By Anon
The rich are getting richer.
40 years of US Economic Policy in One Chart – : http://www.dailymail.
We need tough regulation of the banks, and the break up of the larger banks.
We need greatly increased taxes on the rich, and rich companies like Google.
We need to be reminded that around half of the super-rich in the USA are Jews, like Sheldon Adelson and various friends of Jeffrey Epstein.
We need to break up the large Jewish controlled media organisations, which spew out lies on behalf of the elite.
We need strong trade unions, which have not been infiltrated by agents of the rich elite.
We need to kick out 90% of the current politicians.
We need to cancel trade agreements that lead to low wages.
We need to awaken people to how they are being mind controlled by false-flag terrorism.
We need to close down the Narco-military-industrial-complex and the child abuse rings run by the security services.
We need to avoid extremes; we need a mix of capitalism and socialism.