By Anon
The police investigation into Sir Cliff Richard has “increased significantly in size” since its inception and involves “more than one allegation”.

Young Cliff Richard (Harry Web) top left.
Harry’s father got a job with Thorn Electrical Industries (EMI) “a key member of Britain’s military intelligence establishment.”

Young Cliff (Harry Web) top right

Cliff Richard with Winston Churchill’s close friend Lord Boothby, who reportedly was involved with child sex rings for the elite.. JIMMY SAVILE, THE KRAY TWINS…
In 1959, Cliff’s group landed an EMI recording contract.
EMI, a key member of Britain’s military intelligence establishment, has been linked to mind control.
Savile, EMI, mk ultra, eric woolfson, darren burn
When people are mind-controlled they are given several personalities, such as sex slave, ardent Christian, assassin…

In My Life, My Way, Cliff writes:
“It was as if I was becoming a different character – almost like the mild mannered Clark Kent …
“The moment I put on the pink jacket … I was Cliff … and when I came off the stage I went back to being a shy little boy…”
In 1965, Cliff travelled to the USA to make music with Billy Sherrill in Nashville, Tennessee.
3. In 1921, in London, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up to study the ‘breaking point’ of humans.
In 1932, Kurt Lewin, a German-Jewish psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute, at Tavistock Square in London.
He studied the use of terror to achieve mind control. (Cached )
Sir Cliff Richard reportedly owned a company, Blacknight Ltd, which was registered at Tavistock Square, where the 7/7 bombings took place.
Full list of current and 6 past directors / Thecolemanexperience – Mossad’s links to Filthy Britain

Billy Graham is linked to the CIA and CIA brainwashing.
“In 1992 … Billy Graham said that we should ‘embrace’ this ‘New World Order’.”
(Christianity & The NWO Part II /
“When Billy Graham’s family migrated to Turtle Island, they arrived with the name Frank, being related to Jakob Frank; then they changed to a Scottish name, Graham.
“Billy Graham’s daughters lived in Israel and his son fought for Israel in the 6-day war.”
( :: View topic – MK ULTRA/CIA/Freemasonry..Was It …)
“Mind-control survivor K. Sullivan says she was abused and raped by Billy Graham, among others.”
(Mind Control, Slavery, and the New World Order)

Billy Graham and Cliff Richard. “We know that Billy Graham is serviced by … sex slaves.” Mind Control
“Billy Graham has been built up to be the most respected and popular person in America.
“Billy Graham and this high priced hooker were alone together in the room.”
Undetectable Total Mind Control.

They conned the public.
Billy Graham told the American people that we need to embrace the New World Order.
The Deception of Billy Graham / Fritz Springmeier
Billy Graham said that he “often attends love-ins and rock festivals incognito Visit Site