By Anon
On the evening of 17 June 2015, nine people were killed at an African-American church in Charleston, in South Carolina.
Reportedly, the chief suspect is a young white gunman.
After the shooting, a bomb threat was reported near the church.
Police took a man with a backpack and a camera into custody, but later said that he was not the suspect.
“A female survivor told family members that the gunman initially sat down in the church for a bit before standing up and opening fire, according to Dot Scott, president of the Charleston NAACP.
“The gunman reportedly told the woman he was letting her live so she could tell everyone else what happened, Scott said.”
Rev Clementa Pinckney (above) the pastor of Emanuel AME church and a Democratic member of the South Carolina Senate, was one of those shot dead.
Pinckney campaigned for legislation to require law enforcement officials to wear body cameras while working.