By Anon
Do you trust the security services?
In May 2015, Tunisia’s Interior Ministry was warned of an imminent attack on Sousse.
Tunisia attack: Officials were warned of an imminent terrorist attack in May 2015...
Talk of an attack on tourists had been widespread on pro-Isis internet forums and Twitter accounts since late February 2015.
The Minister of the Interior (dark glasses, blue tie).
Two former bosses of the Ministry of the Interior, Mohamed Ali Mahjoubi and Ahmed Bennour, were allegedly assets of Mossad.
We should not forget that the Islamic Terrorists are trained by the CIA and its friends.
According to Dr. Paul L. Williams, in his article The CIA’s Creation of “Islamic Terrorism” on American Soil:
1. Islamic paramilitary camps have been set up in the United States and in Canada to train African Americans to be terrorists.
2. The first camp was based near Hancock, New York.
ISIS forces are trained at a secret U.S. military base in the Jordanian town of Safawi.
The original weapons for ISIS came, compliments of the CIA, from the arsenal of deposed Libyan dictator Muammar Qadhafi.
The shipment of these weapons to ISIS in Syria was supervised in 2012 by David Petraeus, the CIA director.
(“Americans Are Training Syria Rebels in Jordan,” Reuters, March 10, 2013.)