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By Anon

Israel helped to carry out the 2011 attacks on Norway’s island of Utøya (above), reportedly.

Norway’s Labour Party Youth summer camp was attacked by several gunmen.

Israel appears to have strong influence over many of Norway’s leaders and institutions.

Author Jeremy Hoff (left) and Kjartan Mogen from Norway’s Party of Christians (right).

‘The young people killed in the attack on the island of Utøya deserved to die because their organisation was too critical of Israel’, a new book by a US evangelical Christian has claimed.

Utøya ‘God’s payment for opposing Israel’

The book, called 22 July: The Prophecy, claims that because Norway’s Labour Party Youth were sympathetic to the Palestinians they were ‘enemies of God’.

The book’s author Jeremy Hoff argues that the Utøya massacre was God’s way of punishing Norway.

Kjartan Mogen, a candidate of the Party of the Christians in Norway’s coming election, says he supports Hoff’s message.

Mogen says: “The terrorism was the Devil’s work; the attacks occurred because of … resistance against Israel.”

Author Jeremy Hoff, a pastor at the Shepherd of the Hills Church, refers to the Utøya attack lasting precisely 77 minutes and also claiming 77 lives.

Why did the security services not want this photo of one of the Norway shooters released? This is not Breivik, the innocent patsy.

Gro Wenske, leader of Norway’s Committee for the Bible and Israel, calls the book ‘fantastically good’.

Jan Willem van der Hoeven, founder of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem wrote, that ‘This is a book which all Christians in Norway should read.’

Terje Liverød, chief executive of the Catch The Fire School Of Ministry Norway, said it contained ‘enormously valuable information’.

The book has received considerable publicity on Norway’s evangelical channel TV Visjon.

Professor Ola Tunander is an expert on security politics, naval strategy, submarine operations, geopolitics, the dual state, psychological operations (PSYOP) and Cold War history.

Swedish-born Ola Tunander is a professor at the Peace Research Institute Oslo.
Ola Tunander has written an article suggesting that Israel played a part in the 22 July 2011 massacre in Norway.
Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, an academic journal, published the article.
In the article, Tunander writes that such terrorist acts are usually carried out by government agents, “and we can’t rule out that being the case this time too.”

Tunander details the diplomatic relationship between Norway and Israel in the months before the massacre.
Norway indicated it would be willing to recognize a Palestinian state.
Tunander notes the significance of the date of the attacks.
He mentions 22 July 1973, when Mossad spies were arrested after an operation in which they assassinated the wrong person on Norwegian soil.
He mentions the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem by the Zionist terrorist group Irgun.

The King David Hotel attack took place on 22 July 1946.

Tunander writes: “We have discussed the right-wing extremist Israeli and Judeo-Christian side of Breivik’s network, Israel’s interest in disciplining Norway, and Israel’s celebration of bomb attacks.
“In this respect, Breivik’s attack appears to resemble a new king David Hotel attack: July 22nd.”
Norwegian writer Øyvind Strømmen, writing in Minerva, says of Tunander: “Does he insinuate that Israel was behind July 22nd, or was in some way involved? The answer…. is yes.”


Tunander helped develop the concept of the ‘dual state’ – made up of the ordinary government and the hidden ‘deep state’ run by the CIA and its friends.

The ‘deep state’ controls the government, when it comes to certain issues, such as carrying out coups in Greece or Italy.
The ‘deep state’ carries out acts of terrorism as part of the “strategy of tension“.

US Ambassador Barry White and host of the day, MP Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Center Party) visit Rena, in May 2011. (Ambassador White visits Rena.) Rena is the site of Anders Breivik’s farm where police allege he planned the July 2011 Norway attacks.

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