By Anon
The next Mayor of London may be Sadiq Khan (above), who is officially Moslem, but who is somewhat pro-Jewish.
Khan has promised to “call out anti-Semitism wherever it arises”, not to be “distracted into using the Mayoralty to offer commentary on foreign policy issues” and to work with all Jewish organisations and charities “to bring our communities together and promote understanding”.
, [41] and remains on its Executive Committee.
“The Fabian Society are Globalists/multiculturalists.
“They support the creation of a 1% jewish master-race and a 99% mixed race, or multi racial, dumbed down race of corporate debt-slaves run by Marxist kapos.
“The Fabian Society were prime movers in shutting down Grammar Schools for Working Class Children in Britain – the cover story for this dumbing down was ‘anti-elitism’.
“Most Fabian Society members, like Diane Abbot Labour MP, send their children to expensive private schools.”
The Khans all work together.