By Anon
Robert Baer
When the CIA is instructed to wreck a country this is what happens:
1. The CIA recruits generals, politicians, police chiefs and media chiefs from the target country.
2. The CIA carries out acts of false flag terrorism.
3. The CIA organises People Power demonstrations.
4. The CIA bombs the target country.
5. The CIA topples the government.
Former CIA agent Robert Baer writes:
1. “We landed on 12 January 1991 in Yugoslavia…
“Our mission was to alarm and spread panic among politicians…
“We were given money, a few million dollars, to fund various NGOs, opposition parties and various politicians who have inflamed hatred…
“The aim of the propaganda was to divide the republics so they would break away from the motherland Yugoslavia.
2. “We had to choose a scapegoat who would be blamed for everything… Serbia was chosen.”
3. The Yugoslavs paid by the CIA were “Stipe Mesic, Franjo Tudjman, Alija Izetbegovic, many counselors and members of the government of Yugoslavia, Serbian generals, journalists and even some military units.
“Radovan Karadzic was being paid for a while…”
4. The media was controlled and funded by the CIA.
“CIA agents were responsible for writing the official statement that the announcers read on the news…
“Everyone had the same mission: to spread hatred, nationalism and the differences between people through television.”
Former CIA agent Robert Baer writes:
5. “Srebrenica is an exaggerated story…
“My boss, who was formerly a US Senator, stressed repeatedly that some kind of scam would go down in Bosnia.
“A month before the alleged genocide in Srebrenica, he told me that the town would be headline news…
“Many of the victims buried as Muslims were Christian Serbs…
“A friend of mine, a former CIA agent and now at the IMF, said that Srebrenica is the product of agreement between the US government and politicians in Bosnia.
“The town of Srebrenica was sacrificed to give America a motive to attack the Serbs for their alleged crimes.”
6. “The people who incited the war and dictated the terms of the peace now own the companies that exploit various mineral resources and the like!
“They simply made slaves of you, your people work for nothing and that produce goes to Germany and America…they are the winners!
“You will eventually have to purchase and import what you have created yourself, and since you have no money, you have to borrow, that’s the whole story with the whole of the Balkans! …
“Kosovo has taken for two reasons, first because of mineral and natural resources, and secondly, Kosovo is a military base of NATO! In the heart of Europe is their largest military base.”
Hilary Benn and Cherie Blair.
You may think that a very large number of the UK Labour Members of Parliament who will vote to bomb Syria are assets of the CIA.
Around 100 Labour MPs are expected to back the bombing of Syria.
“When Gordon Brown was a student at the University of Edinburgh… the young Labour … activist was handed a list by an individual known to be a top CIA agent based in Britain.
“On the list were the names of a number of British socialists…
In 1996, in the Guardian, Martin Kettle suggested that New Labour was all about Britain being in with the Americans.
In a talk to Labour Party branches in 1996, Robin Ramsay (Lobster Magazine) pointed out some interesting links between New labour and the USA.
Jonathan Powell, Blair’s top man in Downing Street, used to work in Britain’s Washington embassy and is suspected by some of having been our spook liaising with the CIA.
Top Blair aid David Milliband did a degree at the USA’s MIT and Brown’s top aid Edward Balls went to Harvard.
Gordon Brown spent his holidays in the library at Harvard.
The US encouraged large numbers of Labour MPs to take free trips to America (Israel also invited a large number of Labour MPs to Israel).
In 1986 Tony Blair went on a US-sponsored trip to America and came back a supporter of the nuclear deterrent.
In 1993 Blair attended a Bilderberg Group meeting (secretive right wing organisation) and not long afterwards became Labour leader.
Four of the Blair cabinet have been members of the Anglo-American elite group the British American Project; three of the Blair cabinet have attended Bilderberg meetings.
Peter Mandelson become Chair of British Youth Council which began as the British section of the World Assembly of Youth, which was set up and financed by MI6 and then taken over by the CIA in the 1950s.
By Mandelson’s time in the mid-1970s the British Youth Council was said to be financed by the Foreign Office or MI6. According to Ramsay, ‘Peter Mandelson has been around MI6 since his early 20s’.