By Anon
In 2011, Prince Andrew enjoyed a sensual massage from a pretty young Indonesian girl.
Andrew relaxed under the hands of petite masseuse Ria at the five-star Shangri-La Hotel in Jakarta.
Kalijodo. FacebookTwitterPinterest
Jakarta’s Kalijodo is the latest of nearly 70 red-light districts shut down in Indonesia.
The government wants to close the remaining around 100 more by 2019.
Southeast Asia’s largest red-light district was called Dolly and was in Surabaya in Indonesia.
It was closed down in 2014.
Prostitution is illegal in Indonesia but still widespread in most major cities.
Some of Kalijodo‘s 3,000 more respectable residents have been relocated to government-subsidised apartments.
Evicted sex workers have been offered vocational training, but few have taken up the offer.
“My husband is still jobless,” said Kania, whose husband was a caretaker at a Kalijodo entertainment business.
Some sex workers have moved to red-light districts in Tangerang, Bogor and elsewhere.
According to data from Kalijodo, of 1,405 people with jobs connected with the area’s nightlife, 450 were sex workers.
The remainder worked as security guards, parking wardens, cleaners, etc.
Kalijodo girls move to nearby red-light districts
JAKARTA UNDERCOVER reported that Jakarta’s Alexis Hotel (in the Ancol area) has lots of available young ladies.