By Anon
Tortotubus – the oldest fossil of a land-dwelling organism. .
“Early Christians, before Constantine took over the religion, had a much different view of the soul and its relationship to God than mainstream Christianity does today.
“It viewed the soul as having a past history with God and was destined to rejoin God in the future, and that Christ came as an example of how we accomplish this task and to make make it possible in an all new way for us to achieve our union with God.
“In many ways this teaching wasn’t that much different than what Buddha taught concerning the soul and its relationship with the Absolute. Christ taught we must be reborn in the spirit and Buddha taught we must transcend this world and our attachment to it.”
Mystic Doctrines.
Where were you over 400 million years ago?
Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor of philosophy Dr Bradford Skow says that the idea that time flows like a river is not correct.
Instead he claims the past, present and future all exist together
dailymail / Does time pass? | MIT News
“If we were to ‘look down’ upon the universe, we would see time spread out in all directions.
“Events exist in different parts of space-time.
“While installing central heating in the cellar of the Treasurer’s House in 1953, Harry Martindale was witness to an astounding sight.
Dr Bradford Skow says that space-time is a ‘block universe’.
A ‘block universe’ can be compared to a movie reel, where all the parts of the movie exist at the same time.
Dr Skow says that events, such as the American Revolution or 9 11, exist in different parts of space-time.
Shawn Radcliffe has written: The Flow of Time in a Timeless Universe
He points out that according to quantum physics, “the future isn’t set until we measure a quantum object – at which point its state becomes fixed.
“Viewed this way, we live on the leading edge of a growing block universe, with future possibilities coming into existence every time we take measurements.
“So each ‘now’ determines the future, a future that is always just beyond our reach.”
To some thinkers, such as Parmenides and Julian Barbour in his book The End of Time,Time is an illusion.
“Buddhism and the illusion of time“
“You can picture this … as a vast blue sky, and the world of time and change is just a little tiny cloud passing within it…
“You are the vast empty sky and this whole universe is a tiny cloud within you.
“Then you must discover that the reflections are not separate from the mirror. At that point you become Free as the Absolute Unity of mirror-and-reflections together…
“Buddhism and the illusion of time“
“Everything is like a dream, is like dew, is like a bubble or a flash of lightning. Nothing stays but is always in a process of change.
“Rather than being some constant, fixed reality, this whole universe constantly appears and disappears.
“But there is a way to experience the true nature of this constantly changing universe.
“Simply do not become attached to any outside world.
“Don’t become attached to names and forms.
“If you keep that point, then your mind is not moving.
“You attain that names and forms are fundamentally empty.
“This whole universe is completely empty. You are completely empty. Nothing ever comes or goes. Nothing ever appears or disappears.
“When you keep this mind, you soon attain your true self.”
-Zen Master Seung Sahn, The Compass of Zen, pp. 127-129
“Waking up from the dream means realizing that nothing ever happened. With Enlightenment there is no history. It has been burned out of existence. Time itself has been destroyed.”
-Andrew Cohen
The security chip on a credit card is a two-dimensional surface which allows us to see a three dimensional object.
Above we see a hologram which is flat and two dimensional, but, which can be seen as non-flat and three dimensional.
Some scientists think that we live in a hologram and that we are simply ‘a projection’ from that hologram.
Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram ….
The hologram contains all the information needed to project us and our world into three dimensional things.
Some scientists believe that all ‘things’, or particles, are really just one interlinked thing.
Some people believe that ‘consciousness’ creates everything that there is.
Some scientists believe that all ‘events’, past, present or future, are actually taking place at the same time.
And what about your ancestors, the single celled creatures – the earliest form of life?
“Single-celled slime moulds demonstrate the ability to memorize and anticipate repeated events, a team of Japanese researchers reported in January 2008.”
Time and Torsion in a Conscious, Holographic Universe ….
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