By Anon
Music: ‘Bhebbak’ Jean-Marie Riachi and Abir Nehme.
In the USA, a
Christians face elimination by Isis in Middle East, says archbishop.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has Jewish roots.
Justin Welby has said that he “only learned as an adult that his father was Jewish.”
John Kerry claimed to be an Irish Catholic but then “discovered as an adult his father was also a Jew, one linked to the CIA.”
Justin Welby “has a secret past smuggling in cold war Europe, briefing US state department officials on rebels in the Niger Delta and chatting to the future head of MI6 in Baghdad.”
MI6 spy – Archbishop of Canterbury
Howard Jacobson once wrote: “I stopped watching Who Do You Think You Are? once it became apparent that every episode was going to end with some scion of an ancient Roman Catholic dynasty weeping buckets outside Auschwitz over the fate of his great-aunt Yetta.”
Bernard’s brother Siegfried married the grand-daughter of Anton Dunkelsbühler, who once employed Ernest Oppenheimer.
Fanny, the daughter of Bernard’s brother Anton, married Ernest Josephthal, son of the founder of the New York banking dynasty.
How do the top Jews get away with murdering so many people?
The Jewish Mafia likes to control everything, including the Catholic Church, the Protestant churches, and Islam.
The late Pope John Paul II’s mother (Emily Katz), grandmother and great-grandmother were Jewish.
John Paul “played as a member of the Jewish soccer team against his Catholic neighbours.”
Pope Paul VI was Jewish. “It is known that a boyfriend of Paul VI was a certain movie star.” (Paul VI’s Homosexuality: Rumor or Reality)
Pope Paul VI was a Marrano Jew with the name Montini.
Under Paul VI, Jewish and Freemason influence increased within the Catholic church.
Pope Gregory VI and Pope Gregor VII had Jewish origins. (Jewish pope article); Anacletus II, was a descendant of Baruch, a Jewish convert.
The Borgias and their Popes had Jewish origins.
Other Popes (Cached) who were of Jewish origin include: Callistus III, Alexander VI, Pius III, Leo X, Clement VII, Paul III, St. Pius V, Gregory XIII, Pius XII (1939-1958)…
The Jews have forced the Catholic Church to ignore the interests of the Christians in the Holy Land.
The Jews use The Knights of Malta as a way of linking their Nazis, Catholics and Zionists.
(Cached/Knights of Malta and 911).
The following have been members of the Knights of Malta or have been awarded high honours by the Knights of Malta:
David Rockefeller, Reinhard Gehlen (Nazi), Heinrich Himmler, Franz von Papen (Hitler enabler) Fritz Thyssen (Hitler’s financier), George W. Bush, George Tenet (CIA chief at the time of 9 11) Henry Kissinger, Michael Chertoff, Rupert Murdoch, Tony Blair, Prescott Bush, Licio Gelli, J. Edgar Hoover, Joseph Kennedy, Ronald E. Reagan, Giscard d’Estaing, Allen Dulles, Oliver North, George H.W Bush and William Casey.
David Beckham
Among the ‘Jews’ who have recently been controlling the World are:
1. Jack Lew, United States Secretary of the Treasury, 2. Janet Yellen, Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 3. the Rothschilds 4. George Soros 5. Ayman al Zawahiri and Osama bin Laden (crypto-Jews) 6. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (crypto-Jew) 7. Adolf Hitler (Hitler’s paternal grandfather was a Jewish merchant, Leopold Frankenberger. HITLER) and Joseph Stalin
Jesus said to the Jews:
“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning… he is a liar and the father of lies.”
Reportedly, the Apostle Paul was a “Jewish agent” who infiltrated Christianity to make sure it was controlled by the Jews. [8]
Islam is based primarily on the Jewish religion.
The Saudi monarchs and their Wahhabi/Salafi religion are Jewish.
According to Wayne Madsen:
The Turkish Ottoman Empire, which included key parts of Saudi Arabia, had lots of crypto-Jews (Jews pretending to be Moslems)
The Saudis follow the Wahhabi form of Islam.
The founder of the Saudi Wahhabi sect of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, was a crypto-Jew.
Ali, Kid in Najran – Saudi Arabia, by Eric Lafforgue
An Iraqi intelligence report, dated 2002, and released in 2008 by the US Defense Intelligence Agency, points to the Jewish roots of the Wahhabi (Islamist) form of Islam.
The purpose of the Wahhabi sect was to create extremist Moslems and pave the way for a Jewish state in Palestine.
Saudis by Eric Lafforgue
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