By Anon
You actually think that Capitalism is anything other than a colossal failure everywhere its been tried.
“The world’s wealthiest 62 people now own as much as the poorest half of the planet’s population.”
“The richest 1% now own as much as everyone else put together.”
Countries such as Singapore, Norway and Switzerland are part capitalist and part socialist. We are talking about “borderline socialist states, with generous welfare benefits and lots of redistribution of wealth.” The World’s Happiest Countries – Forbes. All of the above countries are wealthier than the USA.
What does moderate socialism mean?
1. Regulation of dodgy banks and dangerous corporations.
2. A social security system that looks after the handicapped.
3. Decent public transport.
In the early 1900s, socialists led the movements for votes for women, child labour laws, consumer protection laws and the progressive income tax.
The UK is mainly Capitalist.
Patricia rents a small flat in a poor area of London London.
Patricia gets up at 3.30am, and then catches the first of three buses to take her to work.
Patricia works seven days a week as a cleaner.
Patricia’s last day off was in December 2015.
Patricia has been earning £6.70 an hour.
She works for a cleaning company and cleans toilets, dishes and carpets.
Dawn workers forced to clean toilets seven days a week / UK companies look for loopholes around living wage
Big capitalist corporations receive billions annually from governments “under the guise of stimulating job growth.”
Moderate socialism/capitalism is not necessarily problematic.
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