By Anon
A ‘massive’ leak of files, from Panama, has exposed the alleged tax-avoiding and money laundering dealings of a number of politicians.
Leaks on the mega-rich / Dirty Little Secrets / Billionaires Outed For Offshore Wealth
The leaks may be designed to embarrass countries which the CIA wishes to destabilise.
The U.S. “has had a big hand in shaping Panama’s destiny.”
Among those listed in the leaked files are:
MAURICIO MACRI – President of Argentina
Macri – who has vowed to fight corruption – is listed as a director of Fleg Trading Ltd., incorporated in the Bahamas in 1998, a financial connection Macri didn’t disclose on asset declarations when he was mayor of Buenos Aires.
IAN CAMERON – Father of David Cameron
“Cameron helped create and develop Blairmore Holdings Inc. in Panama in 1982”
AYAD ALLAWI – Former Iraqi PM
Allawi helped lead the push for war with Saddam Hussein. Allawi has a Panama-registered company I.M.F. Holdings Inc. I.M.F. and another offshore company, Moonlight Estates Ltd.
Gunnlaugsson led the Progressive Party to victory after the financial crisis of 2008.
Gunnlaugsson and his wealthy wife owned a British Virgin Islands shell company called Wintris Inc., that held nearly $4 million in bonds in Iceland’s three major banks.
He failed to declare his ownership of Wintris on entering the Parliament in 2009.
KING SALMAN AL SAUD – King of Saudi Arabia
Through a series of British Virgin Islands shell companies, the Saudi king appears to have taken out several luxury mortgages for houses in London and held “a luxury yacht the length of a football field.”
PETRO POROSHENKO – President of Ukraine
Poroshenko became the sole shareholder of Prime Asset Partners Limited in 2014.
RAMI AND HAFEZ MAKHLOUF – Cousins of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad
They appear to have used multiple offshore accounts to avoid freezes on their assets.
KOJO ANNAN – Son of ex-U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan
Kojo’s firm won a big contract under the U.N.’s Oil-for-Food humanitarian program in Iraq. Koji Annan has held several offshore shell companies.
Offshore companies ‘are operated by Sharif’s children, Mariam, Hussein and Hasan.’
ARKADY AND BORIS ROTENBERG – friends of Vladimir Putin
They ran at least seven British Virgin Islands shell companies.
“Involved in everything from investing in a major pipeline construction company… to buying equipment for the construction of an Italian villa in Tuscany for Arkady’s son.”
XI JINPING – Chinese President Xi
Has links to offshore accounts