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By Anon

In custody



By Anon

“On 4 March 2016, the leading opposition newspaper in Turkey, Zaman, was .

This is Nazi-style MK ULTRA mind control.

Are these people Nazis?

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By Anon

Donald Trump’s mentor was Roy Cohn (above left, with Trump right).

“According to the former head of the vice squad for one of America’s biggest cities, ‘Roy Cohn‘s job was to run the little boys.
“‘Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself.'”

Michael Jackson with Donald Trump’s children at Donald Trump’s hotel Mar A Lago in Palm Beach.

“Cohn was a good friend of Craig Spence and together with top CIA and Army men, as well as politicians and businessmen, he once threw his birthday party at Spence’s house.

“Spence was later investigated for running a CIA-sanctioned homosexual and pedophile entrapment ring at his house with operations going straight up to the White House.
“Within several months Spence committed suicide while the records of the investigation were sealed…

“Cohn ‘ran the the little boys’ with the purpose of blackmailing high officials.”

“Author Anthony Summers says he got his info from Susan Rosenstiel, fourth wife of Lewis Rosenstiel, chairman of Schenley Industries, a liquor distiller with reputed mob connections.

“Ms. Rosenstiel claimed that in 1958 she and her husband went to a party at a New York hotel, where they met Hoover and McCarthy witch-hunt lawyer Roy Cohn.
“Hoover, whom Cohn introduced as ‘Mary,’ was supposedly wearing a wig, a black dress, lace stockings, and high heels.
“Hoover went into a bedroom, took off his skirt to reveal a garter belt, and had a couple of blond boys work on him with their hands.”

Donald Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the ‘Mossad agent’ Robert Maxwell. Ghislaine reportedly supplied young girls to Trump’s close friend Jeffrey Epstein.

“According to a 1954 news report, Cohn and his aide David Schine had met up with Spanish members of an international underground Nazi network while on a spy-hunting trip in Europe.
“Some of the leading members of this network, according to the newspaper, were Col. Otto Skorzeny, Hjalmar Schacht and Werner Naumann.”

“Cohn was a board member of the notorious Permindex firm.

“This company brought together an international group of shady intelligence-connected men …Board members had connections to the CIA, FBI, and Mossad, not to mention the mafia.”

Roy Cohn Helped Rupert Murdoch.

“Roy Cohn arranged Rupert Murdoch’s first Oval Office meeting with President Ronald Reagan in 1983, according to documents released by Reagan’s presidential library.”

“According to the documents from the Reagan library, Cohn’s relationship with Murdoch apparently developed around their mutual commitment to Israel.

Roy Cohn: The most troubling Trump link you’ll ever read

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By Anon

Tortotubus – the oldest fossil of a land-dwelling organism. .

“Early Christians, before Constantine took over the religion, had a much different view of the soul and its relationship to God than mainstream Christianity does today.

“It viewed the soul as having a past history with God and was destined to rejoin God in the future, and that Christ came as an example of how we accomplish this task and to make make it possible in an all new way for us to achieve our union with God.

“In many ways this teaching wasn’t that much different than what Buddha taught concerning the soul and its relationship with the Absolute. Christ taught we must be reborn in the spirit and Buddha taught we must transcend this world and our attachment to it.”
Mystic Doctrines.

Where were you over 400 million years ago?

Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor of philosophy Dr Bradford Skow says that the idea that time flows like a river is not correct.

Instead he claims the past, present and future all exist together

dailymail / Does time pass? | MIT News

“If we were to ‘look down’ upon the universe, we would see time spread out in all directions.

“Events exist in different parts of space-time.

“While installing central heating in the cellar of the Treasurer’s House in 1953, Harry Martindale was witness to an astounding sight.

“Roman soldiers, dressed in green tunics and wearing plumed helmets, appeared suddenly through a wall of the cellar, they then marched, dishevelled and dejected, through the cellar before disappearing.”
Mysterious Universe.
Dr Bradford Skow says that time does not flow like a river.


Dr Bradford Skow says that space-time is a ‘block universe’.

A ‘block universe’ can be compared to a movie reel, where all the parts of the movie exist at the same time.

Dr Skow says that events, such as the American Revolution or 9 11, exist in different parts of space-time.

Shawn Radcliffe has written: The Flow of Time in a Timeless Universe

He points out that according to quantum physics, “the future isn’t set until we measure a quantum object – at which point its state becomes fixed.

“Viewed this way, we live on the leading edge of a growing block universe, with future possibilities coming into existence every time we take measurements.

“So each ‘now’ determines the future, a future that is always just beyond our reach.”

To some thinkers, such as Parmenides and Julian Barbour in his book The End of Time,Time is an illusion.

To the Buddhist, the world (Samsara) is full of movement and an awareness of Time.

But Nirvana is blissful and still; and has no Time.

Buddhism and the illusion of time

“You can picture this … as a vast blue sky, and the world of time and change is just a little tiny cloud passing within it…

“The cloud arises, the cloud stays a bit, and the cloud goes, but the vast empty sky remains untouched by it…

“You are the vast empty sky and this whole universe is a tiny cloud within you.

“Through …. ignorance, however, you have forgotten your true nature as the motionless sky and mistakenly identified yourself as the ever-changing cloud (or a small part of the cloud)…

Buddhism and the illusion of time

“It’s the same as the old ‘mirror’ analogy: your mind is a perfectly clear mirror, and the world is reflected in it.
“You first must discover that you are the mirror and become free of the reflections.

“Then you must discover that the reflections are not separate from the mirror. At that point you become Free as the Absolute Unity of mirror-and-reflections together…

Buddhism and the illusion of time

Everything is like a dream, is like dew, is like a bubble or a flash of lightning. Nothing stays but is always in a process of change.

“Rather than being some constant, fixed reality, this whole universe constantly appears and disappears.

“But there is a way to experience the true nature of this constantly changing universe.

“Simply do not become attached to any outside world.

“Don’t become attached to names and forms.

“If you keep that point, then your mind is not moving.

“You attain that names and forms are fundamentally empty.

“This whole universe is completely empty. You are completely empty. Nothing ever comes or goes. Nothing ever appears or disappears.

“When you keep this mind, you soon attain your true self.”

-Zen Master Seung Sahn, The Compass of Zen, pp. 127-129

“Waking up from the dream means realizing that nothing ever happened. With Enlightenment there is no history. It has been burned out of existence. Time itself has been destroyed.”

-Andrew Cohen

The security chip on a credit card is a two-dimensional surface which allows us to see a three dimensional object.

Above we see a hologram which is flat and two dimensional, but, which can be seen as non-flat and three dimensional.

Some scientists think that we live in a hologram and that we are simply ‘a projection’ from that hologram.

Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram .

The hologram contains all the information needed to project us and our world into three dimensional things.

Some scientists believe that all ‘things’, or particles, are really just one interlinked thing.

Some people believe that ‘consciousness’ creates everything that there is.

Some scientists believe that all ‘events’, past, present or future, are actually taking place at the same time.

And what about your ancestors, the single celled creatures – the earliest form of life?

“Single-celled slime moulds demonstrate the ability to memorize and anticipate repeated events, a team of Japanese researchers reported in January 2008.”

Time and Torsion in a Conscious, Holographic Universe.

So the single-celled creatures have “brain function”, although they have no brain at all.[15]

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By Anon

The daughter of Robert LiButti, ‘a New Jersey mob figure’, says her late father had a longtime relationship with Donald Trump.

Robert LiButti gambled millions of dollars at one of Trump’s casinos, flew on Trump’s helicopter and partied aboard Trump’s private yacht.

Trump challenged over ties to mob-linked gambler with ugly past

Trump says he wants more jobs for Americans.

1. Almost 90% of the decline in U.S. manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010 was caused by the introduction of robots and computers.

Almost Everything Trump Says

Is Trump going to ban robots and computers?

2. Donald Trump promises to force Apple Inc. to manufacture in the United States.

If Apple makes its stuff in the USA, then either it pays wages as low as those in China, or it finds it cannot compete with Samsung and other rivals.

If US firms are going to pay lower wages, that does not help the retail industry.

An Apple video iPod assembled in China sells for roughly $300 in the United States.

Very little of that $300 goes to the Chinese firms.

“The Chinese get only about six bucksworth of value from the item’s assembly and shipment. Meanwhile, the U.S.-based Apple and its affiliates get hundreds of dollars from an iPhone’s final U.S. sale (for things like design, marketing, and even some manufacturing).”

Almost Everything Trump Says

3. Modern manufactured goods, such as Boeing 787s, are usually made from components from different parts of the world.

Boeing’s 787, has a fuselage made in Italy, engines made in the United Kingdom, passenger doors made in France, cargo doors made in Sweden, landing gear doors made in Canada and wing tips made in South Korea.

Trump could force Boeing to have all the parts made in the USA.

4. But such a policy of ‘Protectionism’ has its risks.

In 1930, the Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act raised U.S. tariffs on imported goods to record levels.[2]

Most economists see the Act, and the retaliatory tariffs by America’s trading partners, as responsible for reducing American exports and imports by more than half.[4]

So, Trump has to be careful that he does not bring about a Great Depression.

5. Yes, too many jobs have been offshored, but Trump may not realise how complicated matters are.

There are good reasons why Coca Cola has bottling plants all around the world.

The main problem is that “We have socialism for the rich, crony capitalism, fascism, kleptocracy, oligarchy or banana republic style corruption.” – Washington’s Blog

6. Trump should advocate raising taxes on the rich, cutting military expenditure and investing heavily in infrastructure.

Ivanka Trump

The US election will probably be decided on the issue of the economy.

1. “The US economy died … when the financial system was deregulated.”

The Us Economy Has Not Recovered and Will Not RecoverPaul Craig Roberts‎

2. Bernie Sanders believes that free trade agreements like NAFTA, Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China, and the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement have allowed too many American jobs to move overseas.

Bernie Sanders.

170 top economists have endorsed Bernie Sanders’ platform regarding Wall Street, signing a letter stating:

“The Senator is correct that the biggest banks must be broken up and that a new 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, separating investment from commercial banking, must be enacted.”

Economists Say.

Trump inherited a fortune. He would have made more money if he had invested it with businesses other than his own.
“We don’t have free market capitalism anymore in the U.S. (and the big banks are largely responsible).

Ivanka Trump
3.Thomas Piketty, perhaps the most influential economic thinker of the left in the Western world, is impressed by the rise of Sen. Bernie Sanders…

“Piketty … sees Sanders ….leading the United States toward a possible return to the nation’s pioneering 20th century experiments with extremely progressive taxation and social spending…

“Piketty points to the fact that, prior to Reagan, 20th century fiscal policy in the U.S. was aggressive in taxing the wealthy – much more so than the European counterparts…

“From 1930 to 1980 … the rate for the highest U.S. income (over $1 million per year) was on average 82%…

“Those rates … played a tremendous role in creating social equality and helped provide crucial government revenue for robust social programs…”

World’s Most Famous Economist.

“Reagan … lowered the rate for the highest incomes to 28%…

“‘Sanders’ success today shows that much of America is tired of rising inequality and these so-called political changes, and intends to revive both a progressive agenda and the American tradition of egalitarianism,’ Piketty wrote.

World’s Most Famous Economist.

4. Donald Trump does not want to ban credit default swaps or collateralized debt obligations.

Trump has said that the federal minimum wage should not be increased because wages are already too high.

Trump wants to abolish the estate tax (FDR’s oligarch tax).

Trump wants the top rate on income to fall from about 40% to 25%, ‘meaning a tax bonanza for the rich and super-rich’.

Those in the top 0.1% would see their taxes reduced by an average of $1.3 million, or 19% of their after-tax-income.

Trump’s program would increase the federal deficit by just under $10 trillion in the first decade, and then by $15 trillion in the second decade.

Trump’s Art – Posing as Reformer Without attacking Power

Barron Trump

The state of Texas has the largest number of people living in districts that are severely distressed economically.

Wealth And Income Gap, By ZIP Code

One of Trump’s homes.

“In the USA, the majority of those who receive some form of public assistance (medicaid or foodstamps) have jobs … but they earn so little that they cannot make ends meet.”

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The USA today.

Donald Trump wants to keep wages down, while reducing taxes on the rich, and spending Visit Site

Jimmy Carter On President Donald Trump


By Anon

Jimmy Carter seemed like a good guy until it emerged that he had links to US Naval Intelligence and that he supported the arming of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan.

Jimmy Carter was once the room-mate of the spooky Jackson Stephens who had an office near the ‘CIA-linked airfield where Mohammeded Atta learnt to fly’.

Jackson Stephens ‘Active’ in Venice, Florida.

“Zbigniew Brzezinski not long ago revealed that on July 3, 1979, unknown to the American public and Congress, President Jimmy Carter secretly authorized $500 million to create an international terrorist movement that would spread Islamic fundamentalism in Central Asia and “de-stabilise” the Soviet Union…

“The CIA called this Operation Cyclone and in the following years poured $4 billion into setting up Islamic training schools in Pakistan (Taliban means “student”).

“Young zealots were sent to the CIA’s spy training camp in Virginia, where future members of al-Qaeda were taught ‘sabotage skills’ – terrorism.

“Others were recruited at an Islamic school in Brooklyn, New York, within sight of the fated Twin Towers.

“In Pakistan, they were directed by British MI6 officers and trained by the SAS.

“The result, quipped Brzezinski, was ‘a few stirred up Muslims’ – meaning the Taliban.”

http://rense.com/general31/cyc.htm Visit Site



By Anon

Michael Egan (above), as a young teenager in the late 1990s, was reportedly raped by top Hollywood people, including film director Brian Singer.

Egan’s mother, in late 1999 or 2000, contacted the police but nothing happened.

Egan says: “My mum was the one who made the phone calls to the police as I was still a minor.”

The complaint “fell on deaf ears and didn’t get anywhere.”

: X-Men’ director Bryan Singer accused / http://www.dailymail.co.uk/

It is believed that Hollywood is used by the CIA, the Pentagon and Mossad to advance their agendas.

Bryan Singer and Frankie Donjae | Facebook.

frankie donjae on Tumblr.

Rosanne Barr has spoken out about child abuse.

Her parents, Jerry and Helen (above), beat and abused her from the age of two.

Roseanne Barr (Borisofsky) is a ‘Jewish- American’ TV star.

She believes that, in Hollywood, and elsewhere, CIA brainwashing (MK ULTRA) is a major influence.

Roseanne spent time at the Utah State Hospital, a major centre for CIA mind-control.

At 16, Barr was ‘hit by a car’ and had a traumatic brain injury.[7]

Her behavior changed radically and she spent eight months atUtah State Hospital[9], a major CIA Mind-Control Programming site

In 1970, when she was 17, Barr had a child that she placed for adoption; they were later reunited.[7][67]

TV star Roseanne

In 1970, when Barr was 18 years old, she told her parents she was going to visit a friend in Colorado for two weeks, but she never returned home.[9]

Barr became the second-highest-paid woman in show business.

In 1998, she portrayed the Wicked Witch of the West in a production of The Wizard of Oz, a drama which is used by the CIA in its mind control operations.

Barr now lives with Johnny Argent in Hawaii.

TV star Roseanne.

Asked about being mind controlled, Rosanne said: “I have this head shrinker and he says it’s deliberately induced because the CIA is where they started inducing it when after they brought all the Nazis over from Germany to run American Psychiatric Association…

“I believe the government has implanted some kind of a chip into my head…”

Roseanne claims that she suffered intense trauma in her childhood, which led to her having multiple personalities and being manipulated by the CIA.

She says that Joe Jackson (Michael Jackson’s father) was a CIA MK ULTRA operative.

Source: Roseanne World

Roseanne posted an article written by her friend John Philips:

“In 1976 during the Church Committee Congressional investigation into abuses within the military and intelligence community, the public discovered that a CIA project originally called Bluebird sought to learn how to control both individual behavior and to influence culture as a whole…”

– Source: Roseanne World

The post Roseanne Barr: “MK ULTRA Mind Control Rules in Hollywood” appeared on The Vigilant Citizen.

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By Anon

Imelda Marcos (right), seated next to Donald Trump. “People like me don’t have any say about what government does.”

There are those who say that Obama has no connections to the CIA and that his ascent to power was a surprise.


There are those who say that Trump has no connections to the CIA and that his ascent has been a surprise.


Retired Senator Bob Dole says that Donald Trump is being backed by ‘the establishment’.

The New York Times report

But, Trump may be John McCain, the guy chosen to lose.

The CIA’s Roy Cohn.

Back in 2008, both Obama and John McCain were on the side of the Powers-That-Be, just as today both Trump and Hillary Clinton are on the side of the Powers-That-Be.

The Powers-That-Be like to support candidates who pretend to be on the side of ‘the ordinary people’, but, who secretly support the Robber Barons and Feudal Lords.

Now, if the CIA wanted to promote Trump, they would make sure that he got a lot of coverage on TV.

The party declines | The Economist.

When Obama first stood as a candidate for the Presidency, he was promoted as being, to a large extent, anti-establishment.

Once in power, Obama carried out the policies of the Powers-That-Be.

The Obama regime organised the Arab Spring.

Trump used to present himself as being ‘pro-choice’, liberal, pro-immigrant and pro-Democrat.

Donald Trump has no fixed views. He will apparently support any policy that will get him elected.

The CIA has read the minds of the American public, and knows how to make Trump popular, at least with most Republicans.

The CIA knows that most Republicans want social conservatism, an end to immigration, low taxes, and hawkishness in foreign affairs.

Trump now wants social conservatism, an end to immigration, low taxes, and hawkishness in foreign affairs.

The RAND Corporation, ‘a CIA front’, recently worked out that a typical American voter is saying:

“People like me don’t have any say about what government does.”

The party declines | The Economist.

Imelda Marcos and Donald Trump.

Trump now speaks up for the voiceless.

Trump speaks out on Mexicans, Moslems, the Chinese and others.

The Republicans have held the White House for 28 of the 40 years from 1969 to 2008.

American voters tend to like people like Nixon, Bush and Trump, rather than people like George McGovern.

Trump wants to send ground troops into Syria.

Trump – Lowell Sun Online.

The Powers-That-Be know that during Obama’s presidency Democrats have lost 900 seats in state legislatures, 11 governors, 69 seats in the House and 13 senators.

The party declines | The Economist.

However, the Powers-That-Be may reckon that Hillary Clinton will defeat Donald Trump because she has the support of Hispanics, blacks, those with postgraduate degrees, single women, the non-religious, union members and millennials.

The chances are that the CIA supports both Clinton and Trump.

Clinton would beat Trump by 13 points in a one-on-one vote, 51 percent to 38 percent, in the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey.

Bernie Sanders would beat Trump by 18 points, 55 to 37 percent.

Sanders picked up a surprise win over Clinton in Michigan on Tuesday, though Clinton expanded her overall delegate lead.

Before the CIA’s takeover of the Republican Party, Republicans were known as being the progressive party, formed in opposition to slavery.

Before the CIA’s takeover of the Democrat Party, Democrats were known as being the small-government party, opposing those who wanted a more powerful federal government.

The party declines | The Economist.

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By Anon

On 9 March 2016, we learn that, in Florida, the pro-gun poster girl Jamie Gilt was shot in the back by her four-year-old son.
article on Maine Antique Digest
The President and CEO of Sig Sauer is named Ron Cohen.
Kimber’s owners/operators are reportedly Jewish.
Jeb Bush says the US does not need new gun laws as ‘stuff happens’.

Richard Feldman (who is Jewish) is a lobbyist for the National Rifle Association.

“Holding top positions in the NRA and public advocacy groups supportive of gun owners’ rights, Jewish gun backers draw on everything from the Holocaust to Israel’s experience in fighting terror to justify the battle against limiting access to guns.”

Jewish Gun Leaders Come Out Firing

“House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (who is Jewish) … holds a top rating from the NRA and received … campaign contributions … from the gun lobby…”
Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen (Jewish) owns a .38 Special and has a license allowing him to carry a concealed weapon, but he does not go around with the gun.

Former Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (Jewish), who retired from the House of Representatives after sustaining severe gunshots injuries during an assassination attempt, was also a gun owner.

Alan Gottlieb (Jewish), one of America’s most vocal supporters of gun rights says: ‘The truth is that there are quite a lot of Jewish activists in the gun-rights movement.’

Jewish Gun Leaders Come Out Firing

Leading Jewish voices on behalf of gun owners include Sandy Froman, an Arizona attorney who served as the NRA’s president from 2005 to 2007, and Alan Gura, an Israeli-born attorney.
Gura has led some of the gun rights lobby’s courtroom successes.

Brian Judy (Jewish), a National Rifle Association lobbyist, has reportedly linked gun control to the Holocaust.

Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership.

Rabbi Menachem Margolin has urged Europe to allow special permits for Jewish people to carry guns.

He says Jews should be allowed to carry firearms for self-defense ‘amid rising anti-Semitism.’

Allow Jews To Carry Guns, Rabbi Asks.

The UK brought in gun control in 1997.

Violent crime did not go up after 1997.

As the graph above shows, the UK has seen a steady reduction in violent crime since the mid 1990s.
Meanwhile, in the United States, gun ownership has been falling steadily.
And the USA has, at least until recently, experienced the same sharp decline in violence beginning in the 1990s.
However, in 2010, the US murder rate was still 4 times higher than that of the UK.

By the Numbers.

Only about one-third of American households now own a gun, compared to about one-half in 1973.

Here is a list of the most influential pro-gun rights advocates.

The list contains a number of friends of Israel and friends of the CIA.

1. Col. Oliver North of Iran-Contra fame.

2. John Bolton, a top neo-conservative, involved in the Council on Foreign Relations and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs,
3. Donald Trump and Jeb Bush.

4. Sen. Rand Paul

5. Sarah Palin

6. Sen. Ted Cruz

John Bolton

7. Glenn Beck, radio and television personality 8. Mark Levin, conservative talk radio host 9. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry.10. Sean Hannity, conservative Fox News TV host. 11. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. 12. Johnny Depp. 13. Eric Clapton. 14. Jennifer Lawrence, the “Hunger Games” actress. 15. Steven Spielberg, movie producer and director.

16. George Zimmerman, the Floridian who defended himself when involved with Trayvon Martin in 2012, was acquitted of second degree murder in 2013 and had a hate crime investigation eventually dropped by the Department of Justice in 2015.

Presidential Candidates / Most Influential Pro-Gun Rights Advocates

Do the Powers-That-Be support Gun Control or Gun Rights?


They appear to support both.

Did the Powers-That-Be support or oppose Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi?


The Powers-That-Be put them into power and then toppled them.

American kids killed by guns.

Stephen Colbert said:[3]

Truthiness is tearing apart our country…

It used to be, everyone was entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. But that’s not the case anymore.

Facts matter not at all.

Perception is everything. It’s certainty.

In the USA, “the states with the highest gun ownership rates have a gun murder rate 114% higher than those with the lowest gun ownership rates.”

“Update: A recent study looking at 30 years of homicide data in all 50 states found that for every one percent increase in a state’s gun ownership rate, there is a nearly one percent increase in its firearm homicide rate.”

10 Pro-Gun Myths.

“Mass shootings stopped by armed civilians in the past 30 years: 0

Mother Jones defines mass shootings as being events where the shooter took the lives of at least four people.
10 Pro-Gun Myths.

“Between 1966 and 2012, there were 90 mass shootings in the United States. Mass shootings are defined … as having four or more victims.”

U.S. leads the world in mass shootings.

“Owning a gun has been linked to higher risks of homicide, suicide, and accidental death by gun.
• For every time a gun is used in self-defense in the home, there are 7 assaults or murders, 11 suicide attempts, and 4 accidents involving guns in or around a home.
43% of homes with guns and kids have at least one unlocked firearm.
• In one experiment, one third of 8-to-12-year-old boys who found a handgun pulled the trigger.”

Getting kids ready to fight in Israel’s wars?
“A Philadelphia study found that the odds of an assault victim being shot were 4.5 times greater if he carried a gun. His odds of being killed were 4.2 times greater.”

“A woman’s chances of being killed by her abuser increase more than 5 times if he has access to a gun.”



By Anon

Music: ‘Bhebbak’ Jean-Marie Riachi and Abir Nehme.

In the USA, a

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has been saying that ISIS is like King Herod.
Perhaps he means that both are Jewish.

Christians face elimination by Isis in Middle East, says archbishop.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has Jewish roots.

One of his cousins is a rabbi.
‘My Cousin The Rabbi’.

Justin Welby has said that he “only learned as an adult that his father was Jewish.”

John Kerry claimed to be an Irish Catholic but then “discovered as an adult his father was also a Jew, one linked to the CIA.”

Justin Welby (left) in Baghdad in 2003, with MI6’s Sir John Sawers (right).

Justin Welby “has a secret past smuggling in cold war Europe, briefing US state department officials on rebels in the Niger Delta and chatting to the future head of MI6 in Baghdad.”

MI6 spy – Archbishop of Canterbury

Howard Jacobson once wrote: “I stopped watching Who Do You Think You Are? once it became apparent that every episode was going to end with some scion of an ancient Roman Catholic dynasty weeping buckets outside Auschwitz over the fate of his great-aunt Yetta.”

Justin Welby’s grandfather, Bernard Weiler, was born a Jew in Germany.

Bernard’s brother Siegfried married the grand-daughter of Anton Dunkelsbühler, who once employed Ernest Oppenheimer.

Fanny, the daughter of Bernard’s brother Anton, married Ernest Josephthal, son of the founder of the New York banking dynasty.

Bishop’s family .

Justin Welby’s father, Gavin, dated John F Kennedy’s sister Patricia, and temporarily was married to Winston Churchill’s private secretary.

Justin Welby.

Howard Jacobson once wrote: “A few years ago, in the course of making a documentary about Jesus and the crimes committed in his name, I filmed in Belmonte in north-eastern Portugal where there survives a small Jewish community …
“They had lived all this time as Catholics, going to church and openly following the rituals of that faith, while practising a subterranean version of their real religion…”

How do the top Jews get away with murdering so many people?

John Paul II was a Jew.

The Jewish Mafia likes to control everything, including the Catholic Church, the Protestant churches, and Islam.

The late Pope John Paul II’s mother (Emily Katz), grandmother and great-grandmother were Jewish.

John Paul “played as a member of the Jewish soccer team against his Catholic neighbours.”

The Pope was Jewish says historian / Pope John Paul II Had a Jewish Mother

Pope Paul VI was Jewish. “It is known that a boyfriend of Paul VI was a certain movie star.” (Paul VI’s Homosexuality: Rumor or Reality)

Pope Paul VI was a Marrano Jew with the name Montini.

Under Paul VI, Jewish and Freemason influence increased within the Catholic church.

Pope Gregory VI and Pope Gregor VII had Jewish origins. (Jewish pope article); Anacletus II, was a descendant of Baruch, a Jewish convert.

The Borgias and their Popes had Jewish origins.

Other Popes (Cached) who were of Jewish origin include: Callistus III, Alexander VI, Pius III, Leo X, Clement VII, Paul III, St. Pius V, Gregory XIII, Pius XII (1939-1958)…

Pope Benedict at a Synagogue in New York

The Jews have forced the Catholic Church to ignore the interests of the Christians in the Holy Land.

The Jews use The Knights of Malta as a way of linking their Nazis, Catholics and Zionists.

(Cached/Knights of Malta and 911).

The following have been members of the Knights of Malta or have been awarded high honours by the Knights of Malta:

David Rockefeller, Reinhard Gehlen (Nazi), Heinrich Himmler, Franz von Papen (Hitler enabler) Fritz Thyssen (Hitler’s financier), George W. Bush, George Tenet (CIA chief at the time of 9 11) Henry Kissinger, Michael Chertoff, Rupert Murdoch, Tony Blair, Prescott Bush, Licio Gelli, J. Edgar Hoover, Joseph Kennedy, Ronald E. Reagan, Giscard d’Estaing, Allen Dulles, Oliver North, George H.W Bush and William Casey.

David Beckham

Among the ‘Jews’ who have recently been controlling the World are:

1. Jack Lew, United States Secretary of the Treasury, 2. Janet Yellen, Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 3. the Rothschilds 4. George Soros 5. Ayman al Zawahiri and Osama bin Laden (crypto-Jews) 6. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (crypto-Jew) 7. Adolf Hitler (Hitler’s paternal grandfather was a Jewish merchant, Leopold Frankenberger. HITLER) and Joseph Stalin

The former NSA and CIA agent Edward Snowden revealed that the leader of ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi was trained in Israel.

Jesus said to the Jews:

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning… he is a liar and the father of lies.”

Reportedly, the Apostle Paul was a “Jewish agent” who infiltrated Christianity to make sure it was controlled by the Jews. [8]

Haim Weizman (left) and Prince Feisal, 1918

Islam is based primarily on the Jewish religion.
Initially, Muhammad saw the Jews and Christians as friends.
But, the Jews were soon at war with the Moslems.
All the top Islamists are now Jewish.

The Saudi monarchs and their Wahhabi/Salafi religion are Jewish.

According to Wayne Madsen:

(I Understand and I wish to ContinueThe ‘DONMEH’ (CRYPTO JEWS): House of Saud Connections)

The Turkish Ottoman Empire, which included key parts of Saudi Arabia, had lots of crypto-Jews (Jews pretending to be Moslems)

The Saudis follow the Wahhabi form of Islam.

The founder of the Saudi Wahhabi sect of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, was a crypto-Jew.

Ali, Kid in Najran – Saudi Arabia, by Eric Lafforgue

An Iraqi intelligence report, dated 2002, and released in 2008 by the US Defense Intelligence Agency, points to the Jewish roots of the Wahhabi (Islamist) form of Islam.

The purpose of the Wahhabi sect was to create extremist Moslems and pave the way for a Jewish state in Palestine.

Saudis by Eric Lafforgue

In Visit Site



By Anon

Madeleine McCann has been ‘spotted’ in Paraguay.

2008 – Email from Leicestershire police.

A massive police operation is underway after it was claimed that missing British youngster Madeleine McCann has been ‘spotted’ in Paraguay.

Police from four separate stations, intelligence officers and an anti-kidnapping division as well as Interpol are on the case.

The search is centered on the city of Aregua.

Madeleine disappeared in Portugal in 2007 while on holiday with her family; she would now be 12-years-old.

The police were alerted to Paraguay by Miraz Ullah Ali, a researcher, who claims he spotted Maddie in Paraguay.
Ali says: ‘My team and I received the information that Madeleine arrived in Paraguay a month or two ago and is living in Areguá in the custody of a woman.’
Commissioner Sanny Amarilla said: ‘We are investigating neighbourhoods where there are foreign citizens, villas, condos, to see if there is someone with a similar description that corresponds to the newspaper clipping.’

Andre Cools was shot dead.

In 1991, Belgium’s former deputy prime minister, Andre Cools, announced that he was about to make some revelations about the mafia and their links to some of the most important people in Liege.

“Cools had most imprudently announced to the Belgian press… that he would soon release startling evidence about corruption in Belgium’s growing arms industry and its ties to the Canadian billionaire Bronfman brothers, a number ofmajor U.S. political figures and republican fat cats with influence reaching into the inner circles of the Bush White House.


“Among the names that Cools promised to present evidence on were Dick Cheney, Neil Bush, Frank Carlucci, Donald Rumsfeld and members of the powerful Republican Barbour and Racicot clans who all own large shares in major arms manufactuerers as well as Britain’s Jonathan Aitken, Thatcher’s secretary of state for defense who had large holdings in a string of British arms suppliers and was a leading figure in the Tory Party hierarchy.”
(Conspiracy Planet – Whistleblower: Oswald LeWinter – Bush-Cheney …)

Cools was shot dead. Before he could speak out.

Dutroux. The discovery of computer discs at Dutroux’s house, in 1996, “unraveled an international pedophile ring involving Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, the U.S., Great Britain, Japan and the United Nations and its agencies.”

After Dutroux’s arrest in 1996, arrests were made in the Cool’s case.

One of those arrested was Alain Van der Biest, a Socialist Minister, alleged to have close links with the mafia gangs of Liege.

Belgian TV came up with an anonymous witness who claimed that leading Socialist politician, Guy Mathot, had ordered Cools to be killed.

In 1994 Mathot was charged with corruption over kickbacks paid to Belgium’s Socialist parties.

Willy Claes was NATO Secretary General and a Belgian. He was caught up in the Mathot kickbacks thing and was forced to resign.

Melchior Wathelet was top judge who released Dutroux from prison in 1991.

Wathelet was Belgium’s judge at the European Court of Justice.

Wathelet was Belgium’s Justice Minister at the time when Cools was shot dead.

Cools’ son called for Wathelet and other top judges to be removed from office.

In 1996 there were suggestions that the gangs involved in the Cools’ killing had been involved with Dutroux.

According to an article by OSWALD LEWINTER, at Conspiracy Planet, (Conspiracy Planet – Whistleblower: Oswald LeWinter – Bush-Cheney ):

The discovery of computer discs at Dutroux’s house, in 1996, “unraveled an international pedophile ring involving Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, the U.S., Great Britain, Japan and the United Nations and its agencies…

“By arresting Dutroux, the Belgian authorities were simultaneously able to round up many of the people responsible for the assassination of Cools.

“In the interim, Dutroux led police to the burial site of four young girls, all of whom had been ritually murdered by his pedophile colleagues.

“Within a short time, over 30 people had been arrested, including a number of high-level politicians, judges, and senior police commanders…

“Dutroux… was closely tied to a senior Portuguese diplomat, Jorge Ritto…

“Ritto has been implicated and jailed as a major figure in Portugal’s Casa Pia pedophilia scandal.

General John Singlaub

“Another leading figure dredged up in the widening circle of the Dutroux pedophilia operation, Jean Michel Nihoul, managed the group’s finances out of posh offices on the Avenue de Louise in the heart of the Brussels business district.

“He managed a string of Dutroux’s properties which functioned as pedophilia clubs in various countries, including a sumptuous and secluded villa in the Caribbean at which leading U.S. political figures, governors and members of Congress could satisfy their pedophile perversions safe from media sleuths.

“Nihoul had been in and out of jail since the 1970’s, on a wide range of money-laundering, drug-trafficking, and prostitution charges.

“He was also… a close friend of U.S. General John Singlaub and Rev. Moon.

“The Dutroux-Nihoul case also sparked a revival of interest in a parallel case unearthed in the United States, as part of the late 1980s Congressional and special prosecutors probes of the Contra Supply operations.

“The American case involved CIA- Col. Oliver North initiated drugs-for money-for weapons operation, and also the Franklin Credit Bank of Omaha, Nebraska,run by Larry King, a powerful African-American Republican Party operator, whose savings and loan institution was used to launder funds for Oliver North’s Contras.

“When former Nebraska state senator John De Camp undertook a probe of King’s activities , he uncovered a nationwide pedophile ring, servicing some of the wealthiest and most powerful figures in the Omaha business and political elites in the Republican Party circles of George Herbert Walker Bush (see ‘The Franklin Cover-Up, Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska,’ by John W. De Camp,{Lincoln Nebraska: AWT, Inc., 1992}).

“On October 14, 1996, the Supreme Court of Belgium removed Judge Connerrote from the Dutroux case…

“Newspaper, LE SOIR, opined in an editorial that Judge Connerrote had to be removed ‘because he was unwilling to refrain from subpoenaing major U.S. diplomats and high government officials, as well as key figures in the Dutch and Portuguese pedophilia cases.'”


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By Anon

Donald Trump‘s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski is

9 Feb 2015 – Uploaded by Homosexual and out at age 11

McGILL Medical University took a 300 male student on voluntary survey … Does INFOWARS know every 100 …

Alex Jones is Homophobic and Hates Homosexuals Boys at …

9 Feb 2015 – Uploaded by Homosexual and out at age 11

McGILL Medical University took a 300 male student on voluntary survey … Does INFOWARS know every 100 …

Alex Jones Hates Homosexual Boys and spreads …

9 Feb 2015 – Uploaded by Homosexual and out at age 11

McGILL Medical University took a 300 male student on voluntary survey … Does INFOWARS know every 100 …

Alex Jones Homophobic Hates Homosexual boys and …

9 Feb 2015 – Uploaded by Homosexual and out at age 11

Alex Jones Homophobic Hates Homosexual boys and spreads Hatred … about another boy at least once …

Alex Jones Hates Homosexual Boys and spread … – YouTube

9 Feb 2015 – Uploaded by Homosexual and out at age 11

Alex Jones Hates Homosexual Boys and spread Homophobia on YT … about another boy at least once in …

Alex Jones INFOWARS spreads Homophobic Hatred about …

9 Feb 2015 – Uploaded by Homosexual and out at age 11

McGILL Medical University took a 300 male student on voluntary survey … Does INFOWARS know every 100 …

Alex Jones INFOWARS causes Homophobic Hatred of …

9 Feb 2015 – Uploaded by Homosexual and out at age 11

McGILL Medical University took a 300 male student on voluntary survey … Does INFOWARS know every 100 …

Stop Homophobic Alex Jones from spreading Hate on …

9 Feb 2015 – Uploaded by Homosexual and out at age 11

McGILL Medical University took a 300 male student on voluntary survey … Does INFOWARS know every 100 …

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By Anon

Some people find it difficult to believe in the God of the Old Testament, the idea for which came from earlier religions.

A lot of the stories in the Old Testament are borrowed from the Sumerians.

“The story of Noah and the
Did God create mosquitoes?

Is there an old man in the sky who created the universe?

Su writes in her blog about “the child in a burn ward screaming, screaming, screaming.”

Su refers to Eastern religions and the value of ‘Stepping out of mind…..god willing.

Nina refers to the cruel ‘plantation owners’ of this world.

Nina refers to the Taoist view of things in a select destiny‘.

Dawkins does not believe that the CIA did 9 11.

Is there an old man in the sky?

The Jewish, Christian and Moslem religions think so.

The Jewish, Christian and Moslem religions have their origins in Zoroastrianism, which began in Iran, around the 6th century BC .

(Influence of Zoroastrianism on Judaism and Christianity – (CAIS)©)In Zoroastrianism (Zoroastrianism)a:

There is a God who is the Creator and who is all good.

There is an evil force who will ultimately be destroyed.

There is a saviour who will save the world.

In Zoroastrianism we find the equivalents of baptism, communion, guardian angels, heaven, worship on Sunday, the celebration of Mithras’ birthday on December 25th, celibate priests who mediate between man and God, and the Trinity.

(Influence of Zoroastrianism on Judaism and Christianity – (CAIS)©)

People in countries influenced by Buddhism, such as Thailand and Indonesia, often seem happier than most.

BUT, what if the Zoroastrians have not got it quite right?

The Buddhists believe in some kind of life after death, but they keep a noble silence on the idea of God.

The Taoists refer to some kind of divine force called the Tao, but they say that it cannot be described in words.

It is difficult to imagine an old man in the sky designing this world on his design board.

It is difficult to imagine him designing a world in which one creatures survives by eating another creature.

So, maybe there was no Bible-style creation.

Maybe things have always existed.

Maybe there is a mysterious something which nourishes us.

Maybe we reap what we sow.

Maybe what we are now is due to what we thought in the past.

Maybe what we will become is what we are thinking now.

We quote from: a select destiny’ (Deep Into Artlife West – blogspot)

“Something we cannot define with science and logic is happening here, a grand design, some not-of-this-world intention we are simply not at the rightful stage of development to comprehend regardless of our effort.

“I believe this makes us a unique product of evolution to remain invincible in the face of pure unadulterated evil where vast and continuing material loss strips us to the lowest category of Earthly life and it has no influence at all…

“We go on in trust, always looking forward, accepting each test as triathlon athletes determined to pass and not just well, but intact, because in spite of the incessant repeats, it makes the good, the pure, the honest, the natural reverent and holy, gifts from somewhere else reminding us the world we desire really does exist and one day we are destined to reach it.”

Science and Religion.

Here are some people’s thoughts about life:

1. “It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received.

“It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters.”
2. “Nature doesn’t disdain what lives only for a day.

“It pours the whole of itself into the each moment. We don’t value the lily less for not being made of flint and built to last.

“Life’s bounty is in its flow, later is too late.

“Where is the song when it’s been sung? The dance when it’s been danced?”

3. ‘Religion comes in opposites to be attractive to different personalities.’

Steven Reiss , a professor of psychologist at Ohio State University.

According to Reiss, organised religions address the 16 basic human desires – curiosity, acceptance, family, honour, idealism, independence, order, physical activity, power, romance, saving, social contact, eating, status, tranquility and vengeance.

Bart D. Ehrman

4. The real Jesus reportedly taught that we should tune in to the Holy Spirit, love our enemies, see our own faults before we see the faults of others, heal the sick, feed the hungry and treat our fellow citizens as our brothers.
Most of the rest of the stuff about Jesus is apparently invention.

Tony Bushby writes: “In the fourth century, the Roman Emperor Constantine united all religious factions under one composite deity, and ordered the compilation of new and old writings into a uniform collection that became the New Testament.”
“Constantine’s intention at Nicaea was to create an entirely new god for his empire…
“Presbyters were asked to debate and decide who their new god would be… The names of 53 gods were tabled for discussion.”

(God’s Book of Eskra, Prof. S. L. MacGuire’s translation, Salisbury, 1922, chapter xlviii, paragraphs 36, 41).

The Forged Origins of The New Testament.
“The earliest of the manuscripts of the New Testament which are still in existence, do not date back beyond the middle of the fourth century AD.”

(Catholic Encyclopedia, op. cit., pp. 656-7).

The World’s oldest Bible is the Sinai Bible.

“When the New Testament in the Sinai Bible is compared with a modern-day New Testament, a staggering 14,800 editorial alterations can be identified.”

The Forged Origins of The New Testament.

5. Lyndon Nadel writes:

You may have seen this Symbol. It is a Dragon eating his own Tail. It is the ancient symbol for time.

It represents Infinite time, where time begins, ends, and continues all at the same point.

What we live in, is named Infinite time. Meaning that time has already begun, finished Visit Site



By Anon


Mr. Chief Justice, Mr. Vice‑President, Mr. Speaker, My Countrymen:

Our people have come to a point of despair.

We have ceased to value order as a social virtue.

Prosperity for all, we were promised. But only a privileged few have achieved it.

My mandate is clear – It is a mandate for greatness.


Our national government is indebted.

Local manufacturing firms have been compelled to close.

We must, therefore, aim quickly at the establishment of a genuine rule of law.

Our people must have believed that we can provide greatness.

Imelda Marcos.

In international affairs, we shall be guided by the national interests.

This nation can be great again.

We must renew the vision of greatness for our country.

Come then, let us march together towards the dream of greatness.

, boss of the Council on Foreign Relations.”

Trump foreign policy

Ferdinand Marcos (right) had links to the CIA.

“The Marcos administration was responsible for 35,000 torture cases, 70,000 incarcerations, and 3,257 murders.

“Marcos was also blamed for the arrest of more than 50,000 people including the ‘desaparecidos’ or those who were victims of enforced disappearances.

A victim of the Marcos regime.

“It should also be noted that the value of the peso dropped from 1 peso to the US dollar to 25 pesos to the US dollar during Marcos’ term.

13 Intriguing Facts You Might Not Know About Ferdinand.

Now you can see why various CIA assets are backing Trump.

Trump’s speeches sound as if they have been written by the same Mossad-CIA guys who wrote the scripts of Anders Breivik.

Trump takes an interest in Manila.

Above, we see Trump seated next to Imelda Marcos.

Above, we see Trump with Henry Kissinger.

Most likely, Hillary and Donald are in alliance.
Full Transcript
Who has been conned?

Trump does not blame Israel for 9 11.

Trump blames Moslems.

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By Anon

On 13 March 2016, at least 28 people were killed in a ‘false flag’ bombing in Ankara.

“A whistleblower,

– November 15 and 20, 2003: Four suicide car bomb attacks in Istanbul hit two synagogues, the British consulate and a branch of the British multinational bank HSBC, leaving 63 dead, including Britain’s consul general, and hundreds wounded. The attacks are claimed by Al-Qaeda and a Turkish extremist group named the Islamic Front of Raiders of the Great Orient.

– March 13, 1999: Twelve are killed in a firebombing on an Istanbul shopping mall. The attack is claimed by the PKK, which later retracts its statement.

– December 25, 1991: Explosives and firebombs are hurled at an Istanbul department store, killing 17 people and injuring 23. The attack is blamed on the PKK.

– September 6, 1986: A twin suicide bombing claimed by Islamic Jihad kills 22 people at a synagogue in Istanbul.

– August 7, 1982: A bomb at Ankara airport followed by a gun battle leaves 11 dead and 63 injured. The attack is claimed by the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia

dailymail. Visit Site



By Anon

Donald Trump’s friend the Rev. Jerry Falwell has said that AIDS is a plague sent by God.

A new study says that the AIDS epidemic started in New York City in the 1970s, and that the virus had probably come from Haiti or another Caribbean country.

Photo of Haiti from John Carroll’s Posts
Reportedly, Haiti was where the CIA tested the AIDS virus.

Reportedly (Cached), the US Navy “had an experimental medical station down in Haiti.

“They were down there because there was a huge pool of very poor locals they could use as subjects in tests.

“He said that they were developing something that would lower a person’s resistance to the point where a common cold would put them out of action for weeks.”

Live From Haiti.

From ‘AIDS and the Doctors of Death’ Alan Cantwell MD, 1988 (Research On AIDS In Haiti):

“U.S. scientists heavily promoted the theory that AIDS was brought to America by affluent, young promiscuous gays from Manhattan, who regularly traveled to Port-au-Prince and Carrefours where it was cheap and easy to have sex with Haitian men…

“The public was repeatedly informed that the ‘gay plague’ was brought to America by Manhattan gays sodomized in Haiti…

“Some Haitians use epidemiologic data to suggest that Manhattan gays brought the disease to Haiti…

“(There is a) theory which accuses the CIA of conducting secret biological experiments on male and female prostitutes in Carrefour.

“Proponents of this theory insist that prostitutes were deliberately injected with viruses during routine injections of antibiotics for sexually-transmitted diseases.

“The theory seems so bizarre, and yet there are statistical and epidemiologic peculiarities of Haitian AIDS that could be compatible with covert human experimentation…

“Something obviously happened in Haiti around the late 1970s to account for the outbreak of AIDS.”

Above – François Duvalier waves with Nelson Rockefeller (far right). Port-au-Prince, Haiti, July 3, 1969.


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By Anon

Above right we see Donald Trump’s ex wife Marla Maples.

While Donald Trump was still married to his first wife Ivana, Donald had a two year affair with Marla, a former beauty queen.
Above left, we see Michael Goguen, a top Silicon Valley venture capitalist, who has been accused of keeping Amber Baptiste as a sex slave.

Amber Baptiste.
Amber Baptiste has said in a court filing that:

1. She was brought to a Texas strip club by human traffickers.

2. In 2001, Michael Goquen took her from the strip club.

3. Michael Goquen then kept her as a sex slave for 12 years.

4. Michael Goquen raped, tormented and drugged her. Michael Goquen sexually brutalized her to near-death.

Goguen claims: ‘The reality is that Ms Baptiste was an exotic dancer, first looking for a payday, and later revenge.’

He describes Baptiste as a Canada native who entered into a fake marriage in 2002 to get US citizenship.

Read more:

Donald Trump wrote of the marriage of Elton John and David Furnish: “I know both of them and they get along wonderfully. It’s a marriage that’s going to work.”

Donald Trump Celebrated Elton John’s Same-Sex Marriage ….

Trump is part of the Establishment.

Trump supporters are fans of gay marriage?

Trump rallies do not always attract the big crowds?

A woman has accused Donald Trump and his associates of using the American Dream Festival as a vehicle for seeking sex from women.
She alleged, Trump asked that she “provide Trump with access to a 17-year-old Czech contestant whom he described as a ‘sex object'”.

Sexual assault allegations against Trump

Donald Trump has had a business partner, Tevfik Arif, who was prosecuted for trafficking underage girls.

The prosecution came after a helicopter raid on a yacht off the Turkish coast.

In 2010, Tevfik Arif was charged in Turkey for smuggling underage girls into the country for prostitution.

Donald Trump.

Tevfik Arif, with Ivanka and Donald Trump

Arif remains a partner in Trump Soho, a $450-million hotel/condo project.

Inside Donald Trump’s Empire.

Arif was arrested aboard the Savarona, the largest luxury yacht in the world, and charged with “encouraging” and “facilitating” prostitution.

Turkish military police conducted the helicopter raid on the Savarona.

Nine Russian and Ukrainian girls were detained and then deported.

Two were reportedly 16 years old and had come to Turkey at Arif’s behest.

Naked men, some of whom were top government officials as well as Russian, Israeli, Kazakhstan, and Turkish executives, were busted in suites strewn with used and unused condoms.

There are many links between the mafia and Donald Trump’s Empire.

Donald Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the ‘Mossad agent’ Robert Maxwell. Ghislaine reportedly supplied young girls to Trump’s close friend Jeffrey Epstein.

Trump has had business partners, Engin Yesil and Raoul Goldberger, who have been involved in the trade in Cocaine.

Engin Yesil was sentenced to a six-year prison term on cocaine charges in the U.S.

Raoul Goldberger was sentenced to 46 months in prison on cocaine charges.

Donald Trump.

Jill Harth, who claimed that Trump tried to rape her.

In 1997, Jill Harth, who runs a beauty company, filed a lawsuit claiming that, in 1993, Donald Trump tried to rape her and tried to turn her into his ‘sex slave’.

The $125 Million Donald Trump Sexual Assault Lawsuit.

Her lawsuit claimed that, in 1992 and 1993, Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted her – touching her ‘intimate parts’ and ‘forcibly kissing and fondling’.

She says that assaults took place in Ivanka Trump’s bedroom in Mar-a-Lago.

Harth’s husband George Houraney and Trump worked together on beauty pageants.

Harth withdrew the lawsuit after her husband and Trump settled a legal dispute.

Jill Harth (above) said that the first time Trump ‘violated’ her was on December 12, 1992, at a business dinner at the Plaza Hotel in New York.

Donald, Tiffany and Marla.
Tiffany Trump is the daughter of Donald Trump and his second wife Marla Maples, “a committed Kabbalah member.”

While Donald was still married to his first wife Ivana, Donald had a two year affair with Marla, a former beauty queen.

In 1991, Ivana confronted Marla on a ski slope in Aspen, Colorado, shouting: ‘You bitch, leave my husband alone!’


Above, we see Tiffany Trump (right) at Heidi Klum’s Halloween party in 2013.

Heidi Klum’s Wild Halloween Party, attended by Tiffany trump

Some people may wonder about mind control.

Above, we see Arabella Trump, wearing a BUTTERFLY costume, at Donald Trumps’ Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

Virginia Roberts worked at the Mar-a-Lago resort.

Donald trump once tried to pursue Princess Diana.

Donald Trump tried to date Princess Diana.

A former Miss California USA contestant says she was showered with compliments and special gifts allegedly from Donald Trump.

A Former Miss California USA Contestant

Sandra Taylor
Former Penthouse Pet Sandra Taylor said in an interview that Donald Trump was amazing in bed


Donald Trump’s first wife was Ivana Zelníčková, a former model from Czechoslovakia.

They have three children: sons Donald, Jr. and Eric, and daughter Ivanka.

Ivanka is Jewish and married Jared Kushner in a Jewish ceremony.

Kushner’s father, Charles, was arrested on charges of tax evasion, illegal campaign donations and witness tampering in 2004 and was eventually convicted of the above-mentioned charges.[18]

Ivanka is a close friend of Chelsea Clinton.

Photos of Trump’s sons hunting.

Donald Trump’s sons, who enjoy killing animals, have sparked comparisons with Walter Palmer, killer of Cecil the lion.

Trump’s third wife is Melania Knauss.

Trump’s wife. Sex at 30,000 feet.

As a model, Melania Trump (Melanija Knavs) was associated with several well-known modeling agencies, including Donald Trump’s Trump Model Management.[14]

Trump models.

“Donald Trump married a prostitute.”

Donald Trump Prostitution Pimping Scandal / A Prostitute

Virginia Roberts and her Mormon aunt Carol Kess, who Visit Site



By Anon

Above we see a March 2016 picture of ‘Anders Breivik’ with a straight nose and small ear lobes and relatively small chin.
Above we see Anders Brevik as a youth, with a convex nose.

Above we see Anders Breivik with large ear lobes.

Above we see ‘Anders Breivik’ with a straight nose and small earlobes.



14 Jul 2015 – Could it be a body double? Sunil Tripathi? Tamerlan Tsaraev? BOSTON BOMBERS; MICHAEL JACKSON; SUNIL TRIPATHI. Anders Breivik.



6 May 2015 – The real Anders Breivik disappeared. His body double was part of the group which carried out the reported attack on the island of Utøya.

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By Anon

Michael Glassner (above) arranged the deal that gave the lease of the World Trade Center to the Larry Silverstein Group.: investigation.

Rick Porrello’s – AmericanMafia.com.

A woman has accused Donald Trump and his associates of using the American Dream Festival as a vehicle for seeking sex from women.
She alleged, Trump asked that she “provide Trump with access to a 17-year-old Czech contestant whom he described as a ‘sex object'”.

Sexual assault allegations against Trump

Donald Trump has had a business partner, Tevfik Arif, who was prosecuted for trafficking underage girls.

The prosecution came after a helicopter raid on a yacht off the Turkish coast.

In 2010, Tevfik Arif was charged in Turkey for smuggling underage girls into the country for prostitution.

Donald Trump.

Tevfik Arif, with Ivanka and Donald Trump

Arif remains a partner in Trump Soho, a $450-million hotel/condo project.

Inside Donald Trump’s Empire.

Arif was arrested aboard the Savarona, the largest luxury yacht in the world, and charged with “encouraging” and “facilitating” prostitution.

Turkish military police conducted the helicopter raid on the Savarona.

Nine Russian and Ukrainian girls were detained and then deported.

Two were reportedly 16 years old and had come to Turkey at Arif’s behest.

Naked men, some of whom were top government officials as well as Russian, Israeli, Kazakhstan, and Turkish executives, were busted in suites strewn with used and unused condoms.

There are many links between the mafia and Donald Trump’s Empire.

Donald Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the ‘Mossad agent’ Robert Maxwell. Ghislaine reportedly supplied young girls to Trump’s close friend Jeffrey Epstein.

Trump has had business partners, Engin Yesil and Raoul Goldberger, who have been involved in the trade in Cocaine.

Engin Yesil was sentenced to a six-year prison term on cocaine charges in the U.S.

Raoul Goldberger was sentenced to 46 months in prison on cocaine charges.

Alex Jones, who loves Donald trump.

Trump lies about opposing the Iraq war.

This is part of Trump’s attempt to trick people into thinking that he is a ‘truther’.
Trump blames Moslems for 9 11 and blames Russia for the chaos in Ukraine.

Jill Harth, who claimed that Trump tried to rape her.

In 1997, Jill Harth, who runs a beauty company, filed a lawsuit claiming that, in 1993, Donald Trump tried to rape her and tried to turn her into his ‘sex slave’.

The $125 Million Donald Trump Sexual Assault Lawsuit.

Her lawsuit claimed that, in 1992 and 1993, Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted her – touching her ‘intimate parts’ and ‘forcibly kissing and fondling’.

She says that assaults took place in Ivanka Trump’s bedroom in Mar-a-Lago.

Harth’s husband George Houraney and Trump worked together on beauty pageants.

Harth withdrew the lawsuit after her husband and Trump settled a legal dispute.

Jill Harth (above) said that the first time Trump ‘violated’ her was on December 12, 1992, at a business dinner at the Plaza Hotel in New York.

Donald, Tiffany and Marla.
Tiffany Trump is the daughter of Donald Trump and his second wife Marla Maples, “a committed Kabbalah member.”

While Donald was still married to his first wife Ivana, Donald had a two year affair with Marla, a former beauty queen.

In 1991, Ivana confronted Marla on a ski slope in Aspen, Colorado, shouting: ‘You bitch, leave my husband alone!’


Above, we see Tiffany Trump (right) at Heidi Klum’s Halloween party in 2013.

Heidi Klum’s Wild Halloween Party, attended by Tiffany trump

Some people may wonder about mind control.

Above, we see Arabella Trump, wearing a BUTTERFLY costume, at Donald Trumps’ Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

Virginia Roberts worked at the Mar-a-Lago resort.

Donald trump once tried to pursue Princess Diana.

Donald Trump tried to date Princess Diana.

A former Miss California USA contestant says she was showered with compliments and special gifts allegedly from Donald Trump.

A Former Miss California USA Contestant

Sandra Taylor
Former Penthouse Pet Sandra Taylor said in an interview that Donald Trump was amazing in bed


Donald Trump’s first wife was Ivana Zelníčková, a former model from Czechoslovakia.

They have three children: sons Donald, Jr. and Eric, and daughter Ivanka.

Ivanka is Jewish and married Jared Kushner in a Jewish ceremony.

Kushner’s father, Charles, was arrested on charges of tax evasion, illegal campaign donations and witness tampering in 2004 and was eventually convicted of the above-mentioned charges.[18]

Ivanka is a close friend of Chelsea Clinton.

Photos of Trump’s sons hunting.

Donald Trump’s sons, who enjoy killing animals, have sparked comparisons with Walter Palmer, killer of Cecil the lion.

Trump’s third wife is Melania Knauss.

Trump’s wife. Sex at 30,000 feet.

As a model, Melania Trump (Melanija Knavs) was associated with several well-known modeling agencies, including Donald Trump’s Trump Model Management.[14]

Trump models.

“Donald Trump married a prostitute.”

Donald Trump Prostitution Pimping Scandal / A Prostitute

Virginia Roberts and her Mormon aunt Carol Kess, who is the brother of Virginia’s father Sky Roberts.

Virginia Roberts reportedly worked at Donald Trump’s hotel, Mar A Lago.

“She is frightened for her life,” says Virginia’s aunt, Carol Roberts Kess.


Kess is a Mormon.

Sky and Virginia.

Virginia’s parents are Sky and Lynn Roberts.

Sky was a maintenance man at Mar A Lago, Donald Trump’s hotel in Palm Beach, Florida.

Sky Roberts

Virginia has said: ‘I was picked up by a 67-year-old man who did exactly what Jeffrey did with me, abuse and violate my youthfulness and I was with him for six months.”


Michael Jackson with Donald Trump’s children at Donald Trump’s hotel Mar A Lago in Palm Beach.

At age 15, Virginia met Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of ‘Mossad agent’, Robert Maxwell.

Virginia became part of Jeffrey Epstein’s child abuse ring.

Aunt Carol Kess says: “My brother Sky thought it was all very legitimate.”

Continued here: dailymail.

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